Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
(Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
Season 1
(60 Episodes)
Episode Guide for the 1st Season
1. Day of the Dumpster
Original Title: Day of the Dumpster
First Aired: 08/28/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Adrian Carr Writing Credits: Tony Oliver, Shuki Levy Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Riley)), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flanagan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Takako Iiboshi (Finster (archive footage)), Hideaki Kusaka (Baboo / Megazord (archive footage)), Sidney Reisner (School Bully), Takashi Sakamoto (Goldar (archive footage)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa), Minoru Watanabe (Squatt (archive footage)) The Story: 2. High Five
Original Title: High Five
First Aired: 09/04/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Adrian Carr Writing Credits: Steve Kramer Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Bones (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Sidney Reisner (School Bully) The Story: 3. Teamwork
Original Title: Teamwork
First Aired: 09/08/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Minotaur (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Steve Nelson (Volleyball Referee), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 4. A Pressing Engagement
Original Title: A Pressing Engagement
First Aired: 09/09/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Adrian Carr Writing Credits: Jeff Deckman, Ronnie Sperling Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Hideaki Kusaka (Goldar / Megazord / Thunder Megazord / Ninja Megazord / Shogun Megazord), Chie Kôjiro (Maria (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Richard Cansino (King Sphinx (voice)), Mer-Mer Chen (Putty Patroller), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Tetsuji Hashimoto (Putty Patroller), Keiya Tabuchi (Putty Patroller) The Story: 5. Different Drum
Original Title: Different Drum
First Aired: 09/10/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Jeffrey Reiner Writing Credits: Julianne Klemm Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Ronda Belser (Beth), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Steve Kramer (Gnarly Gnome (voice)) The Story: 6. Food Fight
Original Title: Food Fight
First Aired: 09/04/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Pudgy Pig / Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Takumi Yamazaki (Pudgy Pig (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Jason La Fay (Student), Barry O'Rourke (French Waiter), Sidney Reisner (School Bully) The Story: 7. Big Sisters
Original Title: Big Sisters
First Aired: 09/11/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Jeffrey Reiner Writing Credits: Gary Glasberg, Shuki Levy Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster / Chunky Chicken (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Rebecca Forstadt (Maria (voice)), Eiji Itô (Chunky Chicken (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Tahna Mazziotti (Maria), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 8. I, Eye Guy
Original Title: I, Eye Guy
First Aired: 09/14/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: David Blyth Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Professor), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Douglas McEwan (Professor), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Brianne Brozey (Willy (voice)), Richard Cansino (Eye Guy (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 9. For Whom the Bell Trolls
Original Title: For Whom the Bell Trolls
First Aired: 09/15/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Jeff Deckman, Ronnie Sperling, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby) The Story: 10. Happy Birthday, Zack
Original Title: Happy Birthday, Zack
First Aired: 09/16/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Jeffrey Reiner Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Knasty Knight (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 11. No Clowning Around
Original Title: No Clowning Around
First Aired: 09/17/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Adrian Carr Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Rachel S. Heslin (Carnival prizewinner), Mike Reynolds (Pineoctopus (voice)), Vernon Ballesteros (Pineapple the Clown), Diego Barquinero (Clown), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Alyssa Poblador (Sylvia), Schroeder (Carnival Patron / Lost and Found), Jude S. Walko (Carnival Goer) The Story: 12. Power Ranger Punks
Original Title: Power Ranger Punks
First Aired: 09/20/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: David Blyth Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Terror Toad / Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 13. Peace, Love, and Woe
Original Title: Peace, Love, and Woe
First Aired: 09/21/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Julianne Klemm Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Alex Borstein (Madame Woe (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Alexandra Wilson (Marge) The Story: 14. Foul Play in the Sky
Original Title: Foul Play in the Sky
First Aired: 09/22/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Shuki Levy Writing Credits: Shuki Levy Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Fumihiko Tachiki (Uncle Steve (voice)), Bryan Cranston (Snizard (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Renee Griggs (Angela), Douglas Sloan (Uncle Steve) The Story: 15. Dark Warrior
Original Title: Dark Warrior
First Aired: 09/28/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Jeff Deckman, Mark Hoffmeier, Ronnie Sperling Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Dark Warrior (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Hideaki Kusaka (Goldar / Megazord / Thunder Megazord / Ninja Megazord / Shogun Megazord), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Liz Logan (Student) The Story: 16. Switching Places
Original Title: Switching Places
First Aired: 10/04/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Jeffrey Reiner Writing Credits: Steve Kramer, Shuki Levy Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Genie (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Adam Cook (Bobby), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 17. Green with Evil: Part I
Original Title: Green with Evil: Part I
First Aired: 10/05/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Gary Glasberg, Cindy McKay, Mark Ryan, Cheryl Saban, Stewart St. John, Tom Wyner Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller / Referee), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon / Referee (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 18. Green with Evil: Part II
Original Title: Green with Evil: Part II
First Aired: 10/06/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban, Stewart St. John, Tom Wyner Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 19. Green with Evil: Part III
Original Title: Green with Evil: Part III
First Aired: 10/07/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Mark Ryan, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 20. Green with Evil: Part IV
Original Title: Green with Evil: Part IV
First Aired: 10/08/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Cindy McKay, Sindy McKay, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) (Richard Wood)), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 21. Green with Evil: Part V
Original Title: Green with Evil: Part V
First Aired: 10/09/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Gary Glasberg, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 22. The Trouble with Shellshock
Original Title: The Trouble with Shellshock
First Aired: 10/11/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: David Blyth Writing Credits: Julianne Klemm, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Shellshock (voice) The Story: 23. Itsy Bitsy Spider
Original Title: Itsy Bitsy Spider
First Aired: 10/12/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Steve Kramer Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Spidertron (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 24. The Spit Flower
Original Title: The Spit Flower
First Aired: 10/19/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: David Blyth Writing Credits: Peggy Nicoll Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Mike Reynolds (Spitflower (voice)) The Story: 25. Gung Ho!
Original Title: Gung Ho!
First Aired: 10/25/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Various Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 26. Life's a Masquerade
Original Title: Life's a Masquerade
First Aired: 10/30/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Mark Ryan, Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Frankenstein (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Various Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Renee Griggs (Angela) The Story: 27. Wheel of Misfortune
Original Title: Wheel of Misfortune
First Aired: 11/01/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Mark Ryan, Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan (Henry Cannon)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 28. Island of Illusion: Part I
Original Title: Island of Illusion: Part I
First Aired: 11/02/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Shuki Levy, Chris Schoon Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) (Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Lokar / Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Mutitis (voice)), Kevin Thompson (Quagmire), Masahiko Urano (Lokar) The Story: 29. Island of Illusion: Part II
Original Title: Island of Illusion: Part II
First Aired: 11/03/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Shuki Levy, Chris Schoon, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Lokar / Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Mutitis (voice)), Kevin Thompson (Quagmire), Masahiko Urano (Lokar) The Story: 30. The Rockstar
Original Title: The Rockstar
First Aired: 11/04/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Peggy Nicoll Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Atusi Godai (Rockstar (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Brianne Brozey (Jeremy (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Mer-Mer Chen (Putty Patroller), Sophia Crawford (Putty Patroller), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Tetsuji Hashimoto (Putty Patroller), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby), Richard Lee Jackson (Jeremy), Ami Kawai (Scorpina), Tatsuro Koike (Putty Patroller), Namihei Koshige (Putty Patroller), Hideaki Kusaka (Goldar / Megazord / Thunder Megazord / Ninja Megazord / Shogun Megazord), Ron Milbauer ((voice)), Tadahiro Nakamura (Putty Patroller), Akihiro Noguchi (Putty Patroller), Nobuyuki Obikane (Putty Patroller), Tomoo Oe (Putty Patroller), Barbara Oliver ((voice)), Tony Oliver (Rockstar (voice)), Ronnie Paer ((voice)), Mark Ryan ((voice)), Spencer Sano (Putty Patroller), Keiya Tabuchi (Putty Patroller), Hiroki Takano (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Makoto Yokoyama (Putty Patroller) The Story: 31. Calamity Kimberly
Original Title: Calamity Kimberly
First Aired: 11/05/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Julianne Klemm, Tom Wyner Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Samurai Fan Man (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 32. A Star Is Born
Original Title: A Star Is Born
First Aired: 11/15/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Richard Cansino (Weaveworm (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Babe Ruthless (voice)) The Story: 33. The Yolk's on You!
Original Title: The Yolk's on You!
First Aired: 11/16/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Fang / Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Tony Oliver (Fang (voice)) The Story: 34. The Green Candle: Part I
Original Title: The Green Candle: Part I
First Aired: 11/17/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Mark McCain, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Cyclops (voice)), Renee Griggs (Angela) The Story: 35. The Green Candle: Part II
Original Title: The Green Candle: Part II
First Aired: 11/18/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Gary Glasberg, Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Cyclops (voice)) The Story: 36. Birds of a Feather
Original Title: Birds of a Feather
First Aired: 11/19/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Julianne Klemm Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon / Referee (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Alex Borstein (Contest Announcer (voice)), Richard Cansino (Cardiatron (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller / Referee), Kirk Thornton (Hatchasaurus (voice)) The Story: 37. Clean-Up Club
Original Title: Clean-Up Club
First Aired: 11/23/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Polluticorn / Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Eiji Itô (Polluticorn (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 38. A Bad Reflection on You
Original Title: A Bad Reflection on You
First Aired: 11/27/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Peggy Nicoll Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (TV Announcer (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Bryan Cranston (Twinman (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 39. Doomsday: Part I
Original Title: Doomsday: Part I
First Aired: 11/29/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Lokar / Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Masahiko Urano (Lokar), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Renee Griggs (Angela), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby) The Story: 40. Doomsday: Part II
Original Title: Doomsday: Part II
First Aired: 11/30/1993 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Lokar / Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swann)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Robert V. Barron (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Alyssa Poblador (Sylvia), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby), Masahiko Urano (Lokar) The Story: 41. Rita's Seed of Evil
Original Title: Rita's Seed of Evil
First Aired: 02/07/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Brianne Brozey (Octoplant (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby) The Story: 42. A Pig Surprise
Original Title: A Pig Surprise
First Aired: 02/08/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Shuki Levy, Douglas Sloan Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Pudgy Pig / Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Maric Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Takumi Yamazaki (Pudgy Pig (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 43. Something Fishy
Original Title: Something Fishy
First Aired: 02/09/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Goo Fish / Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Wataru Takagi (Goo Fish (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Billy Nilles (Young Billy) The Story: 44. Lions & Blizzards
Original Title: Lions & Blizzards
First Aired: 02/10/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Shell Danielson Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Goatan (voice)), Renee Griggs (Angela), Tony Oliver (Goatan Goat Head (voice)), Stephen Wehmeyer (Tug of War Extra) The Story: 45. Crystal of Nightmares
Original Title: Crystal of Nightmares
First Aired: 02/14/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Robert Hughes Writing Credits: Shuki Levy, Douglas Sloan Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller) The Story: 46. To Flea or Not to Flee
Original Title: To Flea or Not to Flee
First Aired: 02/15/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Douglas Sloan Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan o'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Chie Kôjiro (Fighting Flea (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Rebecca Forstadt (Fighting Flea (voice)), Ami Kawai (Scorpina) The Story: 47. Reign of the Jellyfish
Original Title: Reign of the Jellyfish
First Aired: 02/16/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), David J. Fielding (Zordon (David Fielding)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Richard Cansino (Jellyfish (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby) The Story: 48. Plague of the Mantis
Original Title: Plague of the Mantis
First Aired: 02/17/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Tarô Arakawa (Zordon (voice)), Mari Maruta (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger (voice)), Ken Narita (Skull / Baboo (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Richard Rabago (Master Lee) The Story: 49. Return of an Old Friend: Part I
Original Title: Return of an Old Friend: Part I
First Aired: 02/28/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Worth Keeter Writing Credits: Shell Danielson Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver (David Frank)), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Collin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Hideaki Kusaka (Goldar / Megazord / Thunder Megazord / Ninja Megazord / Shogun Megazord), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert V. Barron ((voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Mer-Mer Chen (Putty Patroller), Sophia Crawford (Putty Patroller), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Tetsuji Hashimoto (Putty Patroller), Duwane Heide (Putty Patroller), Ami Kawai (Scorpina), Ron Milbauer ((voice)), Carl Mosher (Putty Patroller), Tomoo Oe (Putty Patroller), Ronnie Paer ((voice)), Carol Potter (Mrs. Hart), Mike Shibata (Mr. Kwan), Douglas Sloan (Mrs. Hart's Boyfriend), Robert Steck (Putty Patroller), Keiya Tabuchi (Putty Patroller), Kirk Thornton (Dramole (voice)), Tony Weatherilt (Putty Patroller) The Story: 50. Return of an Old Friend: Part II
Original Title: Return of an Old Friend: Part II
First Aired: 03/01/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Worth Keeter Writing Credits: Shell Danielson Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), Jon Agro (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Tim Bowles (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller (Bridget Rilley)), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Tom Wyner (Additional Voices (voice)), Akari (Ms. Appleby (voice) Akari Fujiwara)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Mike Shibata (Trini's Dad (archive footage)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby), Douglas Sloan (Mrs. Hart's Boyfriend), Kirk Thornton (Dramole (voice)) The Story: 51. Grumble Bee
Original Title: Grumble Bee
First Aired: 04/28/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: John Stewart Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Akari (Ms. Appleby (voice) Akari Fujiwara)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger / Grumble Bee (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby), Ami Kawai (Scorpina) The Story: 52. Two Heads Are Better Than One
Original Title: Two Heads Are Better Than One
First Aired: 04/29/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: John Stewart Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster / Two-Headed Parrot (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon) The Story: 53. Fowl Play
Original Title: Fowl Play
First Aired: 05/02/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: John Stewart Writing Credits: Mark Hoffmeier, Peggy Nicoll Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Renee Griggs (Angela) The Story: 54. Trick or Treat
Original Title: Trick or Treat
First Aired: 05/03/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Worth Keeter Writing Credits: Ellen Levy-Sarnoff, Dan Sarnoff Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Pumpkin Rapper / Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar / Monte Conte (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Timothy Guest (Monte Conte), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller / Referee) The Story: 55. Second Chance
Original Title: Second Chance
First Aired: 05/04/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Worth Keeter Writing Credits: Mark Litton Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Akari (Ms. Appleby (voice) Akari Fujiwara)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Kosmin Parker (Roger), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Brianne Brozey (Soccadillo (voice)), Doug Coupe (Ryan), Skylar Deleon (Kid), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby) The Story: 56. On Fins and Needles
Original Title: On Fins and Needles
First Aired: 05/05/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Worth Keeter Writing Credits: Douglas Sloan Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan OFlannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar / Slippery Shark (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby), Steve Kramer (Slippery Shark (voice)) The Story: 57. Enter... The Lizzinator
Original Title: Enter... The Lizzinator
First Aired: 05/06/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Worth Keeter Writing Credits: Stewart St. John Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon) The Story: 58. Football Season
Original Title: Football Season
First Aired: 05/09/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Cheryl Saban Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Harold Cannon (Mr. Kaplan), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), Richard Epcar (Rhinoblaster (voice)), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Elise Main (Cheerleader), Mike Shibata (Trini's Dad) The Story: 59. Mighty Morphin' Mutants
Original Title: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
First Aired: 05/16/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Douglas Sloan Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice) Wendee Swan)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Akari (Ms. Appleby (voice) Akari Fujiwara)), Sizuka Arai (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger (voice)), Atusi Godai (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger / Commander Crayfish (voice)), Kazunari Nakajima (Goldar (voice)), Hideki Ogihara (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (voice)), Machiko Soga (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Royce Herron (Ms. Appleby), Tom Wyner (Commander Crayfish (voice)) The Story: 60. An Oyster Stew
Original Title: An Oyster Stew
First Aired: 05/23/1994 (USA)(Fox) Director: Terence H. Winkless Writing Credits: Shell Danielson Cast: Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger), Thuy Trang (Trini Kwan / The Yellow Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger), Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger), David Yost (Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger), Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver / The Green Ranger (Jason Frank)), Paul Schrier (Bulk), Jason Narvy (Skull), Romy J. Sharf (Alpha 5), Richard Genelle (Ernie), Erik Betts (Putty Patroller), David Wald (Putty Patroller), Ed Neil (Putty Patroller), Richard Branden (Putty Patroller), Danny Wayne (Putty Patroller (Danny Stallcup)), Hien Nguyen (Putty Patroller), Bridgett Riley (Putty Patroller), Richard Steven Horvitz (Alpha 5 (voice) Richard Wood)), Dave Mallow (Baboo (voice) Colin Phillips)), Robert Axelrod (Finster (voice)), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar (voice) Ryan O'Flannigan)), Michael Sorich (Squatt (voice) Michael J. Sorich)), Wendee Lee (Scorpina (voice)), Barbara Goodson (Rita Repulsa (voice)), Robert L. Manahan (Zordon (voice) Bob Manahan)), Mark Ryan (Additional Voices (voice) Mark W. Ryan)), Barbara Oliver (Additional Voices (voice)), Neo Edmund (Putty Patroller), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Renee Griggs (Angela), Timothy Guest (Mysterious Old Man), Scott Page-Pagter (Oysterizer (voice)) The Story: |