Middle-aged, eccentric Bertie (Polly Holliday) suddenly becomes a mother when an 8-year-old boy (Huckleberry Fox) is mistakenly delivered to her door, vacuum-sealed in a can. It's Konrad, a factory- made 'instant child', perfect in every way. When the factory realizes its error, they come to take Konrad away from his loving but imperfect home. But Konrad's new mom has a hilarious plan to foil the factory and keep her beloved little boy!
Main Cast
Max Wright Polly Holliday Huckleberry Fox Ned Beatty Virginya Keehne Michael Ruud Nancy Borgenicht Jeff Olson Corliss Dale Scott Nemes Jeremy Haslam Craig Clyde Dottie Brockbank Richard Mitchell Dixie Jones
Dr. Al Monford Berti Bartolotti Konrad Mr. Thomas Kitty Joe Clerk John Janine Frank Tony Security Guard Cynthia Roderick Factory Worker / Van Driver